How do I recover my password?

If you forget your password to the Scantek Management Portal you can reset it using the email and mobile number provided when your account was created.

  1. Navigate to the Management Portal and click Password recovery
    or Venue Entry Management Portal and click I forgot my password
  2. Enter the email address and mobile (if required) for your account and click Recover / Send Recovery Details.
  3. Now check your email and click on the link provided it will then take you through the process of creating a new password.

    Troubleshooting tip: Check your Junk folder if the confirmation email doesn't arrive in your inbox

Where presented:

  1. Scan the QR Code.
  2. Enter the One-Time Code.
  3. The Device name can be any name of your choosing.
  4. Click Submit
  5. You will now be asked to create a password. Log in as per the article How do I log in to the Scantek Management Portal

    Venue Entry customers, and those trialling our Next Generation portal, can also reset their password from within the portal.  To do so:

    1. Click the drop-down arrow in the top right corner to access portal settings
    2. Click Change Password
    3. Enter your current password.
    4. Enter a new password in the second field and confirm it again in the bottom field. (Passwords must be a minimum of 12 characters).
    5. Click Submit