WebSDK version: 510-e0e97c4
Portal version: 1.21.2-20220331021232-99eb8d2
New Features
- No new features this time (but we're getting ready to launch our new Venue Entry Android and iOS mobile apps in the coming weeks!)
- Portal users
- Our default SMS and email wording is now more user-friendly and clearly shows the name of the organisation requesting the verification.
- The top navigation in the portal now links to our Help Centre for release notes and user guides.
- We've improved the way our Online Fraud check calculates the risk of users who are verifying from overseas so that international users can be verified without issue.
- VOI Subjects
- Improvements to the birth certificate capture process have been made to help ensure the correct District and registration number are entered.
- We've now ensured payment receipts will be emailed to end users who use the online payment solution.
- Auto-capturing of passport information under low lighting conditions is now much more accurate.
The following issues have been closed:
- Facial comparison check not occurring as required for Northern Territory Drivers Licenses
- Northern Territory Drivers License document type incorrectly labelled in the Transaction Details screen