If you've been sent a link to verify your identity and want to check if is a legitimate Scantek domain you've come to the right place. Our short domain is officially owned and operated by Scantek.
We use this short URL to fit our verification links into text messages, the longer part of the message is the share code and that is unique to your verification.
If you want to verify this yourself you can do a whois look up and you'll see the following information showing the domain belongs to Scantek:
Registrant: Scantek Solutions Pty Ltd
Registrant ID: ABN 26158339514
Eligibility Type: Company
Eligibility Name: Scantek Solutions Pty Ltd
Eligibility ID: ABN 26158339514
We take your online security seriously. All our domains use secure HTTPS connections and follow industry best security practices. Scantek itself is ISO27001 Information Security certified.
Thank you for being vigilant about your online safety. Rest assured that our short domain is a legitimate part of our web presence.