Banned patrons FAQ

Below are the most common questions we get about being banned from venues that use our ID scanning technology.

Queensland patrons only

Please refer to the Queensland State Government's Refusal of Service page for information on ban types, ban duration and enquiries.

About Scantek Bans 

Q:  Can Scantek remove or alter the ban placed on me?

No.  Scantek is not authorised to change the ban status, details or any other information relating to the ban.  Please get in touch with the venue that placed the ban to address your concerns.

Q:  If I am banned from one venue, does that mean I'm banned from all venues?

Your banned status will be visible to other Scantek ID scanners venues.  This does not mean you will be automatically banned, but the information may be used to decide whether to grant you access. 

Q:  Can Scantek investigate a ban against me?

No.  Scantek does not conduct investigations or mediate disputes between parties. Please get in touch with the venue that placed the ban to address your concerns.

Q:  The Venue that banned me has closed down. Can you unban me?

No.  Scantek is not responsible for any existing bans, even if the venue has closed down. Please contact the venue that placed the ban to address your concerns, as they may still be checking social media and email. 

Q:  Why did Scantek ban me?

Scantek provides the technology and hardware to Venues or Issuing Authorities to place bans on patrons. 

Ban Information Checks

Q:  How do I check information about my ban?

Please fill out our Banned Patron Form to request information about your ban, and our Patrons Services Team will be able to assist. 
Our Patron Services Team will respond within 48 to 36 hours. 

Q:  Can I call to discuss my ban?

No.  We are unable to address ban inquiries over the phone for privacy reasons. Please complete the Banned Patron Form

Q:  My friend and I were banned. Can I have information about both our bans?

No.  For privacy purposes, we cannot provide information about individuals besides yourself. Others must contact us directly for assistance.

Q:  Can I send you my ID card to check if I am banned?

No.  Please do not send us any personal identification cards. Please fill out our Banned Patron Form to request information about your ban. 


An email containing Personal Identification documents, such as Proof of Age Cards or Drivers licenses, will be automatically deleted from our email system.