About Platform deployments

Platform updates are frequent when changes are ready to shipped to client, security and urgent issue fixes are deployed immediately. Please Contact us for any questions regarding our upcoming release roadmap.

How to see which version is in effect

Release notes list the relevant version number(s) for that specific release.  Version numbers can be found in our system as follows:

  • Portal:  In the management portal this number is displayed in the bottom right of each page.
  • WebSDK:  In the mobile interface this number is displayed in the bottom right corner of each screen.
Can't see the latest updates after deployment?
  • If you are not seeing the latest updates in the management portal please log out, clear your browser cache and then log back into your account.
  • Note, changes published in the release notes may not apply to all account configurations.  We will make it clear wherever possible if a change is for a specific configuration or for all configurations.